Another great thing about the village Easter party was the petting zoo - they had a great petting zoo for kids. We could have taken A-man into the fenced area but again since he's only crawling I really didn't want him crawling in mud and animal poo. Does that make me a mean mom? Instead we stood on the outside of the fence and let him pet the animals there instead. He had fun doing that!
After the morning fun (and of course a nap) we went to Cantigny Part in the afternoon and had a blast walking around the gardens. I will do a seperate post about all the fun we had there but here are a couple of pictures from the visitor center. They do amazing displays there as well as incredible gardens and grounds.
We started another new family tradtion this Easter season - Peep Art. Diana's uncle who lives in Washington does this with his family every year and this year Diana's family & of course us - decided to join in. You take peeps and make a scene out of them. We did movie scenes - Diana did the Wizard of Oz or as we called it the Peeps of OZ or the Wizard of Peeps. Jason did a scene from Monty Python - or Monty Peepthon. We had a ton of fun and A-man loved trying out some peeps - I think he likes sugar - but who wouldn't. I can't wait until he can join in and make his own Peep Art since we will definitely be adding this to our family traditions.
On Sunday - Easter morning we had a special cinnamon roll breakfast - A-man is loving eating "big people food"! We dressed him in his super cute Easter outfit and had a wonderful day at church. We are going to try to celebrate Easter like this in the future - Saturday is all the fun stuff and Sunday will be the more spiritual side of Easter. But since we weren't doing all that much this first Easter since he is so young we gave him his cute little Easter basket with a few toys. He certainly enjoyed that - although he was a little baffled by the basket but he thought it was funny!
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