Then it was the big moment - the cake. I was so excited to see how he would react to have a cake all to himself. I made a small cake and then put a cupcake on top of it so it looks like a tiered cake. Then I made some cute chocolate sea-creatures and put them on top of that. The guests all got cupcakes with their own chocolate sea-creatures. It was fun - although don't look too closely at his cake - I couldn't find the smoother for the frosting so it isn't the smoothest.
When it came time to sing Happy Birthday and give A-man his cake he was a little confused to be at the center of attention. But he was very anxious to get a hold of the red chocolate 1 that was on the cake.
When it came time to dig in - he wasn't very interested. Jason had to help him out a little and then he finally got into it. His favorite part was the chocolate one and the chocolate shark. I think he was too distracted by all the people around having a party for him.
For birthday presents we gave him some of them at his party and then saved the rest for his actual birthday. He got lots of cars, a fun ramp for the cars to go down, a train, sprinkler, clothes, and of course - BOOKS! On his actual birthday we went out to dinner to celebrate the day. he got special cupcakes in honor of his birthday and mom made him wear a birthday crown ( I loved it but unfortunately he only would wear it for a few minutes. Over all it was a wonderful day to celebrate a wonderful boy! We love him so much and are so thankful that he is with us to share his 1st birthday.
Happy Birthday Little Man!!

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