His birth family spoiled him and gave him so many gifts - actually I don't know if you can spoil a baby. They need all the love they can get and they don't understand spoiling so I had no problem with all the love they were sharing with him! They gave him so many awesome presents. We had a blast opening them all up - A-man still doesn't understand opening up presents so we helped him out a little.
Opening - or not opening - his gifts
Here is a run down of all the great gifts they gave him...(hopefully I can remember them all). He got tons of adorable clothes and they were all the perfect size for him to grow into it.
A-man with his birthmom, Stormie, and a shirt she gave him.
Trying out his cool hat & awesome bibs
He got some great videos that he has already started to watch... and a fun Easter book and a Hop coloring book (we are still working on coloring not eating the crayons).
Then he got some sweet stuffed animals - a stuffed pengiun that makes noise and a snoopy puppet. Both of which he loves!
And now for his favorite toy (for this month) - they gave him stackable trucks that make noise. He loves cars, trains, trucks, and buses - if it has wheels then he thinks it is the best thing ever. He is pushing these trucks/buses everywhere around the house - you can even see in the pictures how he is eyeing those wheels.
His birth family was super sweet to me - they gave me the sweetest gift - some lotion, bath stuff and then a beautiful Willow Tree Statue. I already have it set up in my room and always remember the sacrifice Stormie made to help us become a forever family.
Happy Pre-Birthday Aiden!
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