Tuesday, July 14, 2009

That's what Friends are for!

So while in Utah we set aside some time to visit with friends. It is always so hard to squeeze everything in when we go out there that we never get to see everyone so we have to see certain people on certain trips. Then on the next trip out we visit with other people. It gets pretty crazy to say the least.
This time we spent our first day in Utah running errands and seeing whoever we could. Once we had dentists appointments, haircuts, and shopping done it was time to meet up with friends. Jason went out to lunch with one of his former bosses and had a great time! I took my little brother with me and met up with a great friend from my theater days. We caught up on all the gossip in our lives and then I went with her to the theater where she was holding call backs for the Scarlet Pimpernel. Anne (the friend I met up with) had originally musically directed me in that show and the theater was doing it again. When I saw the director of the show Bruce we both teared up as we hugged. He and I had worked together in many shows during my theater days and he had also directed me in Scarlet Pimpernel. It was so nice to see him again. In addition to catching up with Anne and Bruce I ran into about 3-4 other people that I haven’t seen for years that I used to perform with! It brought back so many memories!
Then I headed off with Bryan to see him perform in Desert Star Playhouse’s show American Fork Idol. Jason met me there with our friends Mike and Kim. And we all laughed and had such a great time as I watched my baby brother perform on the stage. He has turned into quick the performer! I was so proud of him! He did a great job. Then I ran into a couple of people that I had performed with at Desert Star Playhouse – Mary Williams & Scott Holman. It was great fun to catch up and see so many people that I had worked with in the past. It’s hard to explain the bond you make with people when you perform on stage with them night after night. They become like family and you always have these memories and experiences to keep you bonded!
After our return from Yellowstone we had a couple of other game nights with friends. We met with a group of Jason’s friends from High School. In junior high school Jason got to know a group of kids and they all became friends. They remained friends all through junior high and into high school. The amazing thing about this group is that they continued to be friends after high school. They remained in touch although they all moved on with their lives. Whenever someone got married their spouse was welcomed into the group and became part of this strong friendship. When Jason and I married I was amazed at how wonderful these friends were. While out in Utah on this trip they arranged to have as many people from the group get together as they could and it was a wonderful time! We saw all the new family members that had joined families and caught up on everyone’s lives. In addition we had to play a game for old times sake and it was a fun night had by all. We are very lucky to have such a great support group of friends that has lasted through such a long time.
Then the next night we met up with another group of friends. This time is was college friends. We would get together with Mike & Kim Palmer and Courtney & Andrew Gatherum all the time while Jason was still in College. Jason, Mike, and Andrew were all in the Business Program together at Weber State. In addition to working on many projects together we began hanging out a lot as couples. Now families are growing but it was just like we’d never been away once we all got together again. It was fun to joke and laugh and yes play more games 
We had such a wonderful time visiting with our friends – the only bad part was that we couldn’t get together with everyone. We have a lot of friends that we didn’t get to see this trip but will definitely try to see on the next one!

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