Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family, Family, and more family!

So I accidently lost the pictures on my memory stick for the rest of our trip but luckily I saved it on my moms computer before we left so I will add pictures when she sends them.
Jason and I just returned from a fantastic trip out to Utah to visit our families! We flew in late Wednesday night, June 3, and the fun began. We had to make a quick run over to Diana’s parents home since her brother Marc, was unexpectedly there for one night. His flight to St. George got reroute and he had to spend a night in Salt Lake – lucky us! We had a fun time laughing and talking as a family.
On Friday, we spent the day with Jason’s family. We went and saw his nephew at his 6th Grade Graduation and then surprised the other kids at school. It was so much fun. We went out to lunch with all his siblings and their kids at Rumbi’s (super yummy food) and then went back to the house and enjoyed spending time together. Jason went golfing with Diana’s brother-in-law (which since it was golf Jason was in heaven). We ended the night by playing games with the family. We had 2 different tables of games being played and the nieces and nephews were loving every minute of it.
Saturday was another fun family day. Jason started the day off golfing with another brother-in-law (can I say this was turning into Jason’s dream vacation with all of the golf outings). Then we met up with Jason’s family and went to the Air Show up at Hill Air Force Base. It was fun – except that Jason and I missed the ThunderBirds because we went to the game store and bought a couple of new games to bring home to Chicago. We finished the night off by hanging out with the Bowler family and having a nice big dinner and of course played games 
After our Yellowstone trip we spent some more time together as family. On Friday night Jason’s parents took Jason and I out for our Birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Then we went over to his sister’s house to play Rock Band on the Game Cube. It was a lot of fun and eventually I got pretty good at being the drummer – what fun is being the singer when you can instead play the drums. Jason was rockin’ at the guitar! We had so much fun.
On Saturday morning we met up with both the Bowlers and the Dayleys (Diana’s Family) to drive down to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House. Before they dedicate a Mormon Temple they let anyone who wants to see it go through the temple. So we took all the kids and went through the temple. It was beautiful inside and out. It was also a great reminder that families are forever!
Sunday was bittersweet for us as we had to say goodbye to everyone. We went to church with Diana’s family and then visited with Jason’s grandmother again. We said goodbye to everyone and that is always a hard thing to do. Jason’s little nieces & nephews were all over him wanting to play with Uncle Jason one more time! It was the cutest thing ever! We are so lucky to have such wonderful families that love us and that we love so much!

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