Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fourth of July Camping Trip

Every summer since we moved out here we have made it a point to camping with our buds Rob and Tiff. This last weekend for the fourth of July we decided to drive up to Michigan (add another state to our list of states we’ve stayed in) and try camping up there. Rob had been doing a rotation in Detroit, MI so he just met us at the campground. We looked for a rustic campground so it would be more like real camping from the West coast like we are used to. We lucked out and found a beautiful campground! It was surrounded by large Pine trees and we didn’t have people right on top of us like some campgrounds. Rob got there before we did and it was hilarious as we gave him directions on how to get there and he would respond in typical Rob manner about everything he was seeing. By the time we passed by those same things we were busting up as we realized just what Rob had been seeing. We did get a little worried when Rob saw a sign that said “Don’t pick up hitchhikers because the prison is nearby!” But we all survived and no escapees got us. We left after work on Thursday so we didn’t get there until 2 in the morning. We quietly set up our tent and went to bed.
Then next morning we were all so excited to be camping and out in nature again. It’s hard to describe how refreshing it can be. We decided to head into the nearest town and get some maps of the area and hiking trails. When we got into town we drove around and found lakes and maps but no maps about the hiking trails. Rob got a desire to go fishing and so the next thing we knew we were buying fishing poles, gear, and licenses. We got back to our campground and the boys went fishing in the river that runs through our campground. They caught NOTHING!
It was pretty disappointing. But an interesting dinner of Dutch Oven Pizza and a wonderful campfire made up for crappy fishing. Later that night after everyone else had fallen asleep I was reading a book because I couldn’t fall asleep when I started hearing noises outside the tent. I woke Jason up after a while and we found a raccoon trying to get into our stuff – we scared him away.

Saturday, the fourth of July, was a very busy and interesting day. We left in the morning to go into a town called Traverse City right on Lake Michigan. They were having the national Cherry Festival and I had heard about it in a magazine and really wanted to go. Luckily everyone took pity on me and my quirks and played along. We ate fresh cherries and then had a spitting contest into the lake (Jason won). We watched part of the air show, saw all the booths, tried some cherry foods – some things should not be made with cherries , saw some of the beach volleyball festival, and just enjoyed a wonderful day out and about.

Then we decided it was time to try fishing again. We headed toward a lake we found on the map and by the time we got there we realized that it was extremely resort like and not what we wanted. So Jason kept driving around hoping to find a section of the lake that wasn’t so popular. I had fallen asleep and when I woke up we were turning onto some dirt road. Jason had a blast four-wheeling in the Jeep in the middle of nowhere. He would back up and floor it through the mud puddles just to make sure the Jeep was thoroughly dirty (it was). Unfortunately our trip through the woods didn’t result in any lake – but a definitely interesting drive. We started back to our campground and found more little roads that we explored until we found a place that told us about another campground just a few miles away that had a lake with good fishing. So we headed off to Spring Lake. It was beautiful!!!

IT was extremely peaceful and just beautiful. The boys started fishing as Tiff and I sat and read and tried to get a little sun on our pasty white legs. Before even a few minutes had gone by Rob was yelling at Tiff to get over by him and catch her first fish. Tiff ran over there and sure enough he had a fish. She helped bring that one in and then she was got to catch one by herself. It was her first time fishing and she did a fabulous job!!! Then I wanted to try fishing so I made Jason share his pole with me. Rob caught the first fish of the day, Tiff caught her first fish period, Jason caught the biggest thing (more on that later), and I successfully caught the littlest fish ever! We were catching perch and bass. It was so much fun. At one point I rolled up my jeans and waded into the water to try fishing – it was great until Rob’s hook got caught on something and I went to get it and found myself in water all the way up to my butt…I was a little wet at that point. We were there for hours just relaxing, fishing, reading, and enjoying nature. Finally we headed back to the campground for a delicious dutch oven dinner and listened to fireworks.
The next morning Rob and Jason got up early to go out fishing one more time (Tiff and I stayed in bed and slept). When they got back they were wet, cold, and laughing a lot. Jason kept standing at the tent door waving and saying “hi” – he had his mischievous grin on his face and I knew he was up to something but I was just too tired to figure out what. They told us how Jason caught the biggest – I was so proud – until a few minutes later. Tiff and I were still in bed when Tiff overheard Jason and Rob talking. She asked them “Rob, why are talking like a doctor with Jason? Why do you have the medical kit out? WHAT HAPPENED?” I jumped up and said “Oh, no, what did Jason do?” Well the big fish that Jason caught was himself! He was taking the hook out of a little fish when somehow the hook wound up in his finger instead – and it was in there deep!

We couldn’t take it out because of the barbs and stuff. So luckily Tiff had a feeling to bring Rob’s medical kit and Dr. Rob performed a little surgery on my hubby. He cleaned it really well and then gave Jason a few shots of numbing stuff and then took out a scapel and sliced Jason’s finger right there at the campground. They finally were able to extract the hook and did more cleaning and disinfecting of Jason’s finger. Rob did a fantastic job and we figure from now on we have to take Rob with us on all trips just in case. He wrapped Jason’s finger up good and tight and we set about cleaning up the campground. We made it home that night after a wonderful, although exhausting, camping trip with our buddies!

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