Favorite thing to do during the day - Explore! He is a crawling machine and loves to go all around the house and practice his new skill. He also likes to take things apart and see how they work. The play mats we have around the house he will rip up off the floor. We made a box out of some of the extras - and he proceeded to put it on and off his head.
Favorite activity with mom - crawling away from her when she is changing diapers. A-man will quickly flip over as soon as the diaper is off and take off as fast as he can - although he turns around to make sure mom is coming to catch him and then starts to laugh.
Favorite activity with dad - bathtime! A-man loves bathtime with dad - they laugh and play and laugh some more. Sometimes I'm not sure who enjoys their time together more - A-man or dad.
Sporting his bubble beard and mohawk compliments of dad\
Playing as the water cascades into the bathtub
Least favorite activity - naptime! Someone is now putting up a fuss when it's naptime - it will last a few seconds and then he is so wiped out that he is out like a light. But he makes sure to let us know that he doesn't want to be going to bed.
Favorite food - carrots, spaghetti, waffles, peaches, and of course his puffs and just about anything else he can put in his mouth.
Feeding himself - as you can see by the mess - this doesn't happen too often.
Least Favorite food - pureed macaroni and cheese - talk about a mess - he definitely didn't like that meal...
Favorite word (at least babble) - ma ma/da da - but it ends up being more like ma ma ma ma ma ma....or da da da da da....
Favorite toy - where to start...he loves his little activity center, and his blocks, he especially loves his musical instruments - I think we have a budding musician on our hands. He also loves stuffed animals right now and anything that he can make noise with. And books! He loves to read his books.
Favorite accessory - ok this is more for mom and dad but he looks adorable in hats! So he has a ton of hats that he wears. The best part is that he doesn't mind them at all - in fact he plays peek-a-boo with his hats.
Playing peek-a-boo with his newsboy hat
Hat time!
Other misc favorites - he loves to skype with his grandparents and aunts and uncles - he recognizes the sound of someone calling to skype and gets very excited to show off. He also loves when we play games together - he gets such a kick out it.
MOM & DAD's favorite - A-man!!! We love him so much and can't seem to get enough of him. Here's a quick video of him laughing while dad plays peek-a-boo...
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