All dressed up with somewhere to go - check out their suits
Last week we took a family trip downtown Chicago to petition the court for our adoption finalization. Our wonderful attorney met us at the Daily Federal Building and Courthouse and we startedm on the next step in this incredible journey. Our attorney had 2 other families there also that we got to know that were also adopting infants.
Watching the sherriff's deputy get A-man's summons ready
Apparently A-man thought it was hilarious too
First we filled out some papers in the adoption family waiting room and signed all kinds of things and then we were instructed to go to the 7th floor - the sherriff's office. We all went downstairs and then they served the babies their papers summoning them to appear in court. I have to say it was adorable!!!! After A-man received his papers the deputy on duty gave him his own sherriff's badge for his memory book.
A-man being served his summons to appear in court.
We then went back upstairs to the 17th floor family waiting room and waited to meet with the judge for our hearing. While waiting A-man was showing off his awesome suit and sweet crawling skills. In addition he was talking up a storm and laughing like crazy. He was so loud that they had to close the outer door to the courtroom because they could hear him inside. Our attorney mentioned that he should go into PR when he gets older because he is such a charmer.
Then it was our turn in front of the judge. Jason held him and let A-man stand on the judge's desk. He immediately started to jump and dance and charmed the judge and everyone else in the courtroom. We talked to the judge about how he was adjusting, how we were adjusting, and all kinds of different things. It all went really well - we had a great judge! The judge mentioned that she could see A-man becoming an attorney when he grew up because he looked great in his little pin-striped suit and like most attorneys he wouldn't be quiet. (No offense to any attorneys out there - it was a compliment) :) That's right he charmed her also! On our way out the baliff gave A-man a sucker which he proceeded to suck the plastic until we took it away...
A-man and his new buddy - his judge!
Then we waited a little longer in the waiting room for things to finish up and then it was over! The judge came out so we could get pictures with her and then we headed out. Now all that is left is for all the paperwork to be finished up and filed. For the first time in court for all 3 of us it wasn't too bad - we actually had fun! Now let's hope that's A-man's ONLY time going to court.
The whole family with the judge who signs the papers to make it all possible.
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