Aedyn is also adjusting extremely well to his new home! He has so many toys and fun things that he is completely spoiled. He also has a ton of new friends. The first Sunday we went to church our little guy was the most popular person there. Everyone wanted to see him and he loved the spotlight. It's amazing to me how he loves people and is so happy to meet new people. Everyone kept mentioning how cute and happy he was. I couldn't ask for anything more.
He is also making great strides in his development. He is rolling over now and starting to sit up by himself. He does really well until he gets too excited and then he starts to tip over a little (we are keeping lots of pillows surrounding him at all times on the floor). He is also starting to eat solids now. He loves food! So far he loves everything he has tried. I don't know why he likes it so much - he shared some with me the other day - he got so excited while eating that he spit everything right at me and I got a nice mouthful of green beans and rice cereal. At least he is loving it!
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