Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall & Halloween 2010

Well baby boy celebrated his first Halloween recently and had no idea what is was all about but we sure enjoyed it! He dressed up in two different costumes. The first costume was a puppy dog - we went to a party and he was so adorable - although the the costume was a little big and the hood kept creeping over his head. So we went and bought him another costume. This time he was a bumble bee! He was so adorable! We didn't go trick or treating (Jason and I definitely don't need to be eating candy and Aedyn can't eat it). But he helped to pass out candy and got oohh's and aahhh's because he was so cute!

We also went and took him to get come pictures taken. What a photogenic little guy! We took a couple pictures by some pumpkins but he was too intrigued by the pumpkins to pay attention to the camera. Then we went by some colorful trees and put him in a little Androdak chair and he was all smiles! Then to make Jason extra proud we put his University of Utah jersey on and put him on his U of U blanket! What a ham! He totally lived it up. I couldn't ask for a cuter, happier, better little boy!

Once we got back to Illinois I took some pictures in all the leaves. I raked the leaves and then positioned his bumbo chair for him to sit in and it looked like he was in all the leaves. I was amazed that he didn't try to eat one single leaf - instead he was just intrigued at looking at them. Super cute!

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