Our little shark ready for his first swimming lesson
Our little guy loves the water - I mean LOVES the water. We get him anywhere near water and he goes crazy excited. So since he loves water so much we decided to enroll in a mom & tot swim class. The class was every weekday morning for 2 weeks. A-man loved his swimming classes. The first day he just kept giggling and laughing. Then as we continued attending classes he became more and more adventuresome. By the end of the 2 week class he would put his face in the water to blow bubbles (although he ended up just drinking the water most of the time), he would lay on his back and just chill out, he would walk off the edge of the pool when it came time to jump in, and he would doggie paddle across the pool while kicking his legs (with mom still holding him). His swim teacher commented numerous times about how great his arm reaches were for someone so young. He loved all the songs and games we played in the water and always participated. He continued to laugh at every lesson and brightened everyone's day.

Favorite part of swim lessons - other than the water
During every lesson the instuctor would bring out a box full of rubber ducks for the little ones to use during the lesson. They would throw them in the water and then fetch them out, use them to splash, and overall just have a toy with them in the water. Near the end of our lessons one of A-man's favorite things to do was to play with the rubber ducks. He loved going through the box and throwing as many ducks into the water as he could. It became a challenge to keep him away from the duck box. We comprimised by letting him play in the box for the last 5 minutes of class. Some days we came early and played in the baby pool before the swimming lesson.

The infamous rubber duckies
I have a feeling that swimming pools will always be a part of our summer life knowing how much of a fish our little A-man is.
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