We have been teaching A-man sign language to help him communicate with us. It has been a miracle! He is learning so many signs and communicating non-stop with us. In addition to signing now he is starting to say so many words. His first sign was milk and more. Then he added bird and dog. Now he knows a ton of signs - he can sign mom, dad, bird, dog, frog (added today), snake, giraffe, bear (that's how we get him to fold his arms for prayer), please, thank you, eat, drink, flower, bug, car, train, fish, all done, baby signing time (the DVD's we use to help teach him sign language), hat, head, hair, (all basically the same), shoes, horse, cow, go, stop, wait, grandma, and grandpa.
Sign for fish
Go, go, go
Thank you
And last - but certainly not least - TRAIN!
Who knows what signs he will show me tomorrow - every day he adds a few more. It is amazing to see him communicate with us. It also makes him so much happier because we can understand him.
In addition to signing non-stop his speech is coming along also. He is saying more and more words every day. It started with mama and dada. Then he started to say "bir" for bird as he would do the sign. Now we get "more, milk, hat, gamma, nona, papa, gampa, eat, tank u, sho, and a whole lot of sounds to go with his signs "buh" for bear, "fuh" for fish and frog - you get the picture. Yesterday he said computer - in his own way. But he is definitely picking up the speech and loves to talk!
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