Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy "Wicked" Anniversary

7 years ago on January 4, 2002. Jason and I were married for time and all eternity. It was a great day but the best thing is that it gets better every day! I was reworking some of the adoption questions and one of them was “What is the best thing about being married?” I thought for a moment and found that there were so many things that I loved about being married to Jason. One thing I love is that I am always with my best friend. We have such an amazing friendship! I am so lucky to being married to such a kind, funny, loving, caring, and handsome husband!
This year for our anniversary we decided to take it easy (partly because it was on a Sunday). We decided not to do gifts for one another since we just had Christmas and got everything we wanted and needed then. Instead we just spent time with one another. It was wonderful! Then on Tuesday night we went downtown (Jason was already there so I just met him) to see the musical Wicked. They do a drawing every night before the show for $25 tickets on the front two rows. In addition they do a drawing for limited view tickets. So we put our names in the drawing and didn’t get pulled. Jason is such a friendly guy though that he talked to someone who had their name pulled and their friends name pulled and didn’t need 4 tickets so they let us use 2 of the tickets so we were able to see the show. It was wonderful! It was my second time watching the show but Jason’s first. We both loved it. Wicked has been playing in Chicago since before we moved out here and will finally end it’s run at the end of January and we were determined to see it together before it left. The only hard part about watching the show was that I got an itch to get back on stage. That always happens to me when I watch shows.
That was our anniversary in a nutshell!

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