Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Christmas Trip

We had a special treat this Christmas – we were able to spend it with family members!!!! We flew out to Utah on Dec. 22 and came home on Dec. 27. It was a short visit but wonderful. It was the first time in 10 years that Jason’s parents had all their children and grandchildren together for Christmas – so it was pretty special. I was also able to see my sister’s family, my parents, and my little brother. To top it all off we were even able to see some of our friends from Utah and have a little party. It was a very busy week but absolutely wonderful.
We almost didn’t make it out of Chicago because of bad weather but with a little heavenly help we finally arrived in Salt Lake City at 12:30 am (our luggage got there sometime later that morning). The next morning we visited with family and did some last minute Christmas shopping. That night for Christmas Eve, Jason’s parents invited Diana’s family over for a big dinner of different types of soups. Of course we had to play a few games together. Then off to get ready for Santa’s big visit.
Christmas day was wonderful – we spent the morning with Diana’s family and had a big breakfast. Then we went to Jason’s parent’s home for a large lunch with a scrumptious smoked turkey. We visited with Jason’s grandma and enjoyed being with family all day long.
The next day Jason was able to go skiing! He loves to ski and can’t do much of it out in Chicago so he was thrilled to hit the slopes. Diana is not much of a skier so instead she went shopping with her mom and sister and had a blast. We finished the night off playing at Diana’s parent’s house with the whole family.
Our last full day soon approached and we had family pictures taken with all of Jason’s family. Jason’s niece Madison and I went to Home Depot to have our traditional Wrapping Paper Sword fight (it was a draw) and I bought her a hand buzzer (mistake!). Then we went out to lunch and finished the day off with a party with all of our Utah friends. So many of them came to say hi and catch up on old times. We played together until 3 in the morning! It was a blast – we miss our friends out there and it was great to see so many of them.
Sadly Sunday came too soon and it was time to go home. We went to church with both sets of parents and then said our goodbyes. Time flew by so fast and it was hard to leave those that we love so much. Our nieces and nephews are so adorable and so much fun to be with! It was wonderful to spend some one-on-one time with our parents and siblings also. We arrived home with no problems and had some wonderful memories to take with us.

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