Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Official!

The big news for us this week is that we are now officially eligible to adopt! Yah! Our online profile was posted today for the first time and that finishes the stuff that we need to do to be eligible to adopt a child. Jason and I are so excited. We have been preparing all year for this and it's hard to believe that we are finally eligible. Now we just have to wait for someone to choose us as parents of their child. The other big news for us is that we got a new computer!!!! Our old computer was very old and slowly for Christmas this year we got a new computer and we love it. It is fast and wonderful. Now to get everything loaded onto it...Other than that our week was pretty slow. We played with Rob and Tiffany on Friday night - which was a surprise - we thought for sure Rob would be too exhausted from his rotation but he was full of energy and came over. The boys played on the computer and the girls made chocolate Christmas candies. Then we joined up together and watched a movie. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully we will have more to report for next week.

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