Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I love this time of year for a couple of reasons:
1. A huge wonderful meal with some of the best foods ever. We had a delicious deep fried turkey, lots of salads, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and my dad and sister's famous Sweet Potatoes.
2. Spending time with friends and family. We had such a great dinner with our good friends Rob and Tiff, another friend Andrea (unfortunately her hubby was out of town - we missed you Zach), and a family that we love the Walters (they have the cutest kids). To top it off a youth from our ward stopped by that night to play some games. We ate food, visited, joked and of course pulled out the games and had a great time.
3. Christmas is coming - As soon as Thanksgiving hits I pull out my Christmas music and decorations. So all weekend we listened to the songs of the season - it was great. Since we aren't going to be here for Christmas I didn't put up a Christmas tree - instead I decorated some of our plants. I did make sure to put up a nativity and Jason's Simpsons train though.
4. Day after Thanksgiving Shopping - I've got Jason hooked on the day after Thanksgiving sales. We get up super early, go buy the stuff we want, and then go home and go back to bed. Then later that day we go back out and look at anything else that we wanted that wasn't on the super early sale. It is actually kind of fun!
5. And most of all I love Thanksgiving because it gives me a chance to think of all the things that I am thankful for. I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband, an incredible family, great friends, the gospel, good jobs that support us, and so many many more blessings to be thankful for.

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