Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween 2011!

Happy Halloween! A-man had a great time this last month - he loved Halloween. All the pumpkins, costumes, parties, and especially the CANDY. Here's a brief rundown of what we've been up to lately. We had originally decided to have him be a little golfer - we found this adorable costume and just couldn't resist. But as Halloween kept getting closer mom couldn't help but get him a few other costumes to throw in the mix for parties and such. Here were the costume runner ups...
We went to a party with our church and A-man was decked out as a little golfer. He was absolutely adorable. He had golf clubs, the hat, shoes, the whole thing. In addition mom and dad dressed up as golfers too so it became a family affair. It was so much fun. Not only did A-man look amazing but he had a blast! They had a bouncy house that he loved, hanging donuts, pumpkin bowling, pictures, a cake walk, and treats! Then we ended the evening with Trunk or Treating in the parking lot. He thought it was the best night!
We also had a fun time carving pumpkins. We gave A-man a pumpkin and some tools to start cleaning out a pumpkin and he didn't like it. He tried putting his hand in it a few times and then he would quickly pull it out and say "cold!" So instead we gave him a different pumpkin and some Mr. Pumpkin Head body parts (it's like Mr. Potato Head but for pumpkins). I would start it for him and then he would push it in the rest of the way. He loved doing that and would tell us all the body parts while he was doing it. We finished it off with A-man giving his pumpkin 'high fives.'
And finally came the big night - Halloween! A-man went with mom to a small party and scored a ton of candy. Then dad came home from work early and off we went trick or treating. He thought he was such a big guy to go walking around the neighborhood with dad and mom following after taking all these pictures. Then we put him in the wagon with his buddy and we went around the rest of the block. A-man has definitely learned what candy he likes - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and M&M's. Whenever he was given a chance to pick the candy he would get one of those. What a cutie!

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