Friday, August 20, 2010

Summertime and the City

Oh what do you do in the Summertime? Well, if you’re Jason and I then you have FUN and stay BUSY!
This summer has been packed with activity and fun things to do. Here’s a brief run-down of what we have done this summer.
• Brandon and Cami came to visit and we did some sight-seeing and watched the fireworks from Navy Pier.
• Rachel’s family came for a visit from Ohio and we had a big barbeque in the backyard and put Daphne in her first swimming pool – way too cold for her.
• Golf, Golf, Golf
• Our best friends Rob and Tiffany had a beautiful baby girl Cadence (yeah!) and then moved away to Oklahoma…(sniff sniff)
• Took a trip to Yellowstone, California, and Utah – more about those in other posts
• Diana finally finishes the baby quilts that she has been working on for a couple of years!
• Jason is a manly man and builds Diana shelves for the basement.
• Celebrated both our birthdays in July – man we just keep getting older!
• Jason and Diana go into a canning frenzy – canning strawberry jam, pickles, salsa, candied jalapeño relish, peaches, and something else.
• Went to the cutest little town, Geneva, with friends to go Antique Shopping.
• Planned trips to the Jelly Belly Factory and the Renaissance Faire.
• Watch Transformers 3 being filmed – only Jason had that privilege since they were filming outside his work.
Whew…if that isn’t enough to keep us busy we were working full time also! Viva La Summertime!

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