What a weekend we’ve just had!! It was definitely packed with a lot of fun – some adventures – and many hours spent with each other and friends!
We went house hunting after taking a month and half break. We saw 10 houses and found one that we really liked. We are now in the big debate of “Do we make an offer?” and even more so of “If we make an offer, how much do we offer???” I hate that debate! While house hunting we had some interesting things happen. Our realtor Rose is the sweetest person ever (and super patient with us) she brought her 5 year old daughter Lexie and her husband Greg, who is a member of our church, with her and we all had a great time together followed by a yummy pizza lunch. One of the houses we went into started out really great – I had great possibilities for it and loved a lot of the things they had done to it. When we went downstairs to see the basement the lights going down the stairs didn’t work – but that can’t stop me…I was in the lead and started down the stairs and into the basement. A few steps into the basement I suddenly realized that I was now in water – up to my ankles!!!! We have had a lot of rain recently and apparently that particular house doesn’t handle water well. We quickly left – me with a wet foot!
I thought that would be the extent of our “Fun” for the house hunting expedition until we saw another house that raised a few eyebrows. The owner is an older gentleman that we discovered is originally from Germany. He loves Porsche’s and actually had a few on his property that his son was restoring. So we enter the house and I go into the master bedroom. I quickly came out with a shocked look on my face. Jason looks at me and all I could say was “Look at the picture hanging on the wall above his bed.” Jason bursts out laughing and comes back to me with an incredulous look on his face. This gentleman had a nicely framed picture of Adolf Hitler hanging in a place of honor in his room. WHAT?!#(%^#) That is insane!!!! Did he miss the whole WWII thing? Needless to say we didn’t put that house on our list of possible….I was in too much shock – we all were.
Some other great things for this weekend included a CUB’s baseball games. A friend of Jason’s from work has season tickets and invited us to join her and her husband for the game. It was incredible weather and we loved it! There is such a great feeling of excitement as you are sitting there surrounded by 40,455 other cub fans! In addition we saw Ron Santos and Jason and I saw our first Grand Slam. Bases loaded and POW! He hit one out of the ball field!! It was great!
And last but totally not least was our new acquisition – bikes! A couple that we have become friends with is preparing a move out to the Seattle area and decided that they were going to bring as little as possible back with them and offered us their Trek Bikes. We jumped on it and got an amazing deal (and no Tiffany we did not rip them off – they will be blessed)! We got 2 bikes one for me and one for Jason, a thing that attaches to the hitch on the jeep to transport the bikes, helmets, a computer thing to calculate speed and distance traveled, an indoor trainer for the bikes, and repair stuff. So on Saturday night we went on our first bike ride in ages! It has been so long since I rode a bike and I absolutely loved it – although my butt really hurt afterwards. We’ve made a goal to try to go bike riding every night. Along our bike ride we saw my second favorite spring thing next to tulips – baby geese and ducklings. They recently hatched and they are all around the ponds and are just so darn cute! I love spring!!!!
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