Ahhh… yet again another wonderful Nauvoo Memorial Day weekend! Last year we were invited to go to Nauvoo with a few members of our church and it was a great experience. We were lucky enough to be invited to join again this year and it was a blast!
Jason and I left after work on Friday and picked up 3 of the teenage boys from our ward. I was a little curious to see how 3 teenage boys would be in a car for 4 ½ hours but they were great. We listened to music the whole way down with all of us singing along! We stopped for dinner and met up with the Billings family at Subway. One thing that did make me laugh was how much those boys send text messages I thought that was a girl thing – boy was I wrong!
We got to Nauvoo at about 10:30 and the kids immediately wanted to play games. We got unloaded and I tried to go to bed at midnight to no avail. Around 3 am I finally fell asleep – only to wake up at 6 am to help with breakfast. Jason went golfing with some of the other guys in the group and I worked on my dad’s history and took naps. The weather was gorgeous!!!! We ran into a member of our Stake Presidency and visited with him for a little while. Then Jason and I had the opportunity to do a session at the Nauvoo Temple.
That temple means so much to me – I don’t know if it’s because my ancestors helped build the original and went through the temple there themselves or because the saints sacrificed so much to have the temple built and then had to turn around and leave it. For whatever reason, I really love that temple and get such a great feeling every time I see it. We finished the night by going to see a group perform Polynesian dances (wow!!!!!) and then more games (of course). Rob and Tiff arrived later that night and Jason was in heaven to have his buddy back!
On Sunday it was another beautiful day. Jason and I went to church and then we explored and enjoyed nature with Rob and Tiffany. We went on a walk around Nauvoo so I could get some pictures and enjoyed watching the sun set on the Mississippi River. Nauvoo is so quiet and peaceful that I felt so relaxed the entire weekend.
Monday we headed home and Rob and Jason went golfing again. Tiff and I drove home together and the boys went home together. Before we left we took the two youngest Billings kids – Cameron and Kristin out on a “date” to get ice cream. We had promised them earlier in the week that we would take them out while we were in Nauvoo. They are great kids!
It was a fantastic weekend although I was completely exhausted when we got home. We got very little sleep because of all the games and fun! We tried some new games that I will have to buy – KuhHandel & Wacky Sixes. Those were a lot of fun!