Monday, April 30, 2012

Look who's TWO!!!

Can you believe A-man is two!!! He has had such a great month recently and finished it off by celebrating his second birthday. He will proudly tell you that he is "TWO" and that each day is now his "Happy Day" (Happy Birthday). But before we jump to the big day we will start with the beginning of the month and share all the fun we've had. 
"Look what I made mom"

Checking out his Easter Basket
A-man loved Easter and had a blast figuring out that Plastic Eggs have candy inside them. We went to an Easter Egg hunt with our church play-group and then had our own outdoor egg hunt with A-man's best buddy. Before the first egg hunt we practiced at home (we wanted to make sure that our little guy knew what to do) - he thought it was hilarious to watch mom and dad run around the house picking up eggs. Then when he figured out that there was candy inside he was more than happy to join in the fun. When we had the hunt with the play group it didn't go so well - since he knew what was inside the eggs he stopped after the first one and just wanted to open it and eat the candy inside ;) Eventually he started picking up more - although all the eggs he picked up were Yellow - I think somehow has a favorite color. By the time we had our Easter hunt in the yard - he was a pro and knew to grab all his eggs and then make mom and dad open them for you after. He also helped us to decorate eggs - he loved putting stickers on his eggs until he discovered that you can smash these colored eggs and we soon had to switch activities.

"Dude - there's more in here!"
Our little bunny!
Trucks & Eggs were found in this hunt
Dad helping A-man find his eggs
We try to separate the fun Easter stuff from the religious Easter. So most of our Easter fun was on Saturday and then we focus on Christ on Easter Sunday. We did get some great pictures of our boy and the family on Easter Sunday. He is learning so much and as we talked about the Easter story he kept recognizing Jesus and would point him out. It is so wonderful to see him learning!

Now onto the Birthday fun! For A-man's birthday it became a weekend event. On his birthday we went out to lunch at the "Big Cow" (Chick-Fil-A usually has a cow out in front and so A-man now calls it the Big Cow). We met up with his best buddy and they played and played and finished it off with ice cream sundaes and a little lunch. Then for dinner we went out to a fun train restuarant and A-man had his food delivered by a train - he was in heaven! There were trains EVERYWHERE and anytime one went by he would jump up and yell "TRAIN, Choo, Choo, WHoo, Whoo!" He loved when he had a cupcake delivered - via train- and everyone sang to him. Following dinner we went to play with puppies - there was some definite puppy love and cuddles.

Cupcake at the Train Diner

Birthday and puppies!

The next day we had a birthday party/BBQ in honor of his birthday. Since he currently loves cows and all things farm related we had a farm/cow theme party. He had a blast with his friends and all the cow print and tractors around the house ;) We heard him "moo-ing" a lot! He did a great job blowing out his candles and tried to sing Happy Birthday when everyone else sang to him. He is still singing the song although it is now "Happy Day to you" he loved opening up his presents and couldn't wait to try everything out!

Blowing out the candle's on his 2nd birthday

A-man's special personal cake

We sure love our little guy and are so blessed to have another year with him. He is everything to us!! "Happy Day A-man!"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Look at me grow!

Our little St. Patricks Day Leprechaun
Our little A-man is growing up so fast. I haven't written on the blog for a while since we've been sending pictures instead but I wanted to finally put an update on about all the things that our little guys has started doing.

He not only walks now but he runs, climbs, jumps, and moves all the time. We've had record breaking wonderful warm weather this March and so we spend hours outside and at the park. His favorite thing at the park is the slide and sand box. He has also started to love the climbing wall up to the big slide.

Playing ON TOP of his train table
A-man is also learning so fast! He loves learning and can't get enough of it. He can now tell you all his colors, shapes, ALPHABET, and is counting now. He recognizes all the letters, can tell you the letters in order and will do their sign. He loves it so much that he has started singing his ABC's in bed when he is waking up. Cutest thing ever. We love spending time teaching him and watching him learn.

He loves playing with friends and is truly the sweetest boy. He does really well with sharing - although this week he learned the word MINE and so that may be changing soon. He gets along well with other kids and is so friendly.

He also has increased his love of music and now dancing. He loves to dance and has some pretty hilarious moves. He also loves to sing into his microphone and play the piano. We taught him how to sing Do-Re-Mi the other day and he went around singing it all day. Too cute!

Sunset boat ride in Texas
We went on a little vacation and he had the chance to enjoy the beach. He didn't like the water a lot but he LOVED the sand! He would literally roll around in the sand and thought it was the best thing ever. He also had the chance to hold a star fish, pet a large turtle, touch a snake, feed rabbits, and touch all kinds of sea creatures - as well as help dad chase and catch sand crabs on the beach.

Petting a Puffer Fish
He has some definite favorites now and doesn't mind letting everyone know about it. A-man's favorite color is Yellow. I heard him talking in sleep the other night - and all he was saying was "yellow, yellow". He also saw a yellow shirt at the store the other day and when I handed it to him he cuddled it and said "Ahh yellow" and wouldn't let the shirt go. He will also point out if anyone or anything is yellow.

He loves all things BOY! Dirt, sticks, rocks, bugs, trucks, balls, trains, cars, firetrucks, and construction trucks. He will drive his trucks, cars, trains, etc...around all day and makes awesome sound effects. He also still loves animals and we make sure to visit the zoo whenever we can.


A-man and Dad going into the ocean

Chasing seagulls on the beach

A-man is such a happy boy! He loves to talk and his speech is getting better and better everyday. We love each and every day we spend with him. He keeps us on our toys but we wouldn't have it any other way.