There is no question about it A-man is totally a boy at heart! He loves getting dirty, eating dirt (he put a whole handful of dirt in his mouth while we were planting our garden), catching bugs and frogs and playing with his cars and trains.
We haven't pushed boy toys in any way but he automatically fell in love with cars and trains. He loves them and plays with them constantly. He quickly learned the signs for car and train. He loves it when we walk down to the train station to meet Jason. He makes sure I know every time a train goes by.
He also loves getting dirty! Whether it is with dirt, water or his dinner he just thinks getting dirty is the best thing ever. Here are a few pictures of A-man eating his dinner - beef-a-roni! We had to call him our oom-pa-loom-pa after this meal.
While visiting with our friends in Oklahoma - Jason caught a frog and put it on the blow-up pool to see what A-man would do. Baby C went running when the frog started to move but not A-man. He decided he needed to catch it and he did - and then he pinched it as he tried to lift it up. When the frog jumped away A-man started to laugh. What a character!
Last night we came home from our family date night and I accidentally brought a firefly in with me. Jason wanted to show A-man a firefly up close so we took it into his room and let him look at him. He immediately wanted to pick up the little bug and examine it more closely. I was a little jumpy about having my little boy holding a bug but A-man tried to reassure me that it was all okay. In fact he giggled when it jumped out of his hand and crawled up his leg.
I have a feeling my future is going to consist of a lot more frogs and bugs! But that's okay as long as it's with A-man!