Friday, June 17, 2011

100% BOY

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails

There is no question about it A-man is totally a boy at heart! He loves getting dirty, eating dirt (he put a whole handful of dirt in his mouth while we were planting our garden), catching bugs and frogs and playing with his cars and trains.

We haven't pushed boy toys in any way but he automatically fell in love with cars and trains. He loves them and plays with them constantly. He quickly learned the signs for car and train. He loves it when we walk down to the train station to meet Jason. He makes sure I know every time a train goes by.

He also loves getting dirty! Whether it is with dirt, water or his dinner he just thinks getting dirty is the best thing ever. Here are a few pictures of A-man eating his dinner - beef-a-roni! We had to call him our oom-pa-loom-pa after this meal.

While visiting with our friends in Oklahoma - Jason caught a frog and put it on the blow-up pool to see what A-man would do. Baby C went running when the frog started to move but not A-man. He decided he needed to catch it and he did - and then he pinched it as he tried to lift it up. When the frog jumped away A-man started to laugh. What a character!

Last night we came home from our family date night and I accidentally brought a firefly in with me. Jason wanted to show A-man a firefly up close so we took it into his room and let him look at him. He immediately wanted to pick up the little bug and examine it more closely. I was a little jumpy about having my little boy holding a bug but A-man tried to reassure me that it was all okay. In fact he giggled when it jumped out of his hand and crawled up his leg.

I have a feeling my future is going to consist of a lot more frogs and bugs! But that's okay as long as it's with A-man!

Our trip to Oklahoma - a stop at Grant's Farm

We decided to break up the drive home from Oklahoma and stay in St.Louis, Missouri for a night. We thought that would make it easier on A-man and it allowed us to see something new also. We decided to go to Grant's Farm while in St. Louis and it was so much fun. Grant's Farm is the home/farm of President Ulysses S. Grant and then the Annheuser-Busch family purchased it. They have turned the farm into a zoo and historical site. It is free so we definitely decided to try it out.

Our family at Grant's Farm

The first thing we did was take a tram around the area and saw a ton of animals. A-man is learning sign-language in order to help him communicate early and he has learned the sign for bird and dog. Those are the only animals that he knows the sign for so everything in the park was a dog or a bird according to A-man. It was super cute.

Dad and A-man meeting a donkey

Mom and A-man cuddling on the ride

After the tram ride A-man and dad decided to take a ride on the carousel. He had a blast. Everytime he came around and saw me he would start giggling. It was so adorable. Although after 3 times around he was done and ready to move on to something else.

Around and around we go

Look ma I'm riding a dog - right

After a turn on the carousel we then went over to feed the baby goats. That was hilarous. I was a little nervous because these goats really like their bottles. But A-man and Jason braved the little goats and it was a hoot. Once again A-man wasn't phazed by anything. Even when one of the goats tried to take a bite of his hair he just gave it a look and pushed it away. He tried to pet them and would laugh as they climbed all over them. Jason had a bit more of a difficult time since he was the one holding the bottle and trying to protect his baby boy. At one point the goats were trying to eat Jason's clothes. I'm amazed I got any photos I was laughing so hard at the fun my two boys were having.

Hey dad - the goat's eating your shorts

You don't mind if I pet you, right?

Weird looking feet if you ask me...

We continued on through the park, A-man had a snow-cone, we saw lots of birds, camels, elephants and finally horses! Grant's Farm is the home of the famous Budwieser Clydsdale Horses - they are beautiful and huge. We had to let the little guy pet one of them before we left.

A true Clydsdale horse

A-man trying to climb on board for a ride

Although it was a short trip to St. Louis & Oklahoma we all had a wonderful time!

Our trip to Oklahoma - more water fun

Our second day in Okey we decided that we wanted to have some more water fun for the little kiddies. Tiff pulled out their blow-up rubber duck for the bath and we filled it up with water and started the fun outside. A-man jumped right in and was ready to go swimming in that little pool.

Let the fun begin

Baby C wasn't quite as excited as A-man at the beginning but he soon convinced her that this water thing was going to be fun. He wouldn't move more than a foot away from the duck pool. He was not going to let anything stop him from his water fun. He splashed the water out so many times that we had to keep filling the duck up.

Baby C got a little tired of just splashing around the duck but not A-man. While baby C occupied her time cleaning up the deck with A-man's shirt he stayed focused on his goal - the water. Can I just say that boy LOVES water!

As the day went on we had a visit from a frog - A-man tried to pick him up. I guess he's not afraid of frogs...Jason and Rob got in a concentrated water fight with the hose (ouch) and Tiff and I enjoyed the beautiful day and our beautiful kids.

We sure love Rob & Tiff and wish they lived closer to us. As soon as we were together again it was as if we hadn't ever been apart. That is what true friendship is all about!

Our trip to Oklahoma - boating fun

My two favorite men out on the lake

Over memorial day weekend we took a trip down to Tulsa, Oklahoma to visit with our favorite friends Rob & Tiff and their baby C. A-man and baby C are only one month apart in age and so it was a blast to finally see them together. We are all holding our breaths that they because become best friends like their parents are :) - probably wishful thinking but we can try.

Rob, Tiff's dad, and baby C

One of the days we were out there we went boating in Rob's new boat and with Tiffany's parents. It was great! The weather was perfect for a day out on the lake and the little ones especially loved it. There was water-skiing, knee-boarding and A-man's favorite thing swimming!

playing in the lake

A-man absolutely loved the water! Once we put him in the lake for the first time he was trying to get back in the rest of the time. He had a blast. He especially loved when we would go fast and the water would splash up on him.

Tiff kicking everyone's butt on one of their fun water toys!

After an awesome time on the boat - thanks Rob and Tiff - we went back to their house for a great barbeque and birthday party for baby C.

Can they get any cuter?